You want to refuel your marker properly?! - Then get the right refill ink for your Graffiti pen
Ink is an easy flowing, semi-transparent liquid, which is mostly alcohol based. It is especially easy and uncomplicated to use on smooth surfaces. With refill ink, many different types of markers and blank markers can be filled and refilled. Our marker inks are available in different colors but also in the Deep Black or Hard To Buff version. The inks are partly slightly transparent and become more opaque and color intensive when applied in several layers. Ink Refills are versatile and especially permanent, scratch-resistant, weatherproof and of high quality.
Convince yourself of the versatility of Ink Refill marker inksThe Marker Refill colors can be used to fill ink markers, pump markers, flowpens, incredible markers or other felt markers. These pen models are characterized by a particularly absorbent marker attachment, which absorbs the liquid quickly & safely and then releases it again in a controlled manner. But also common mob markers and some squeezers are suitable for this kind of refills. A special fill color is Nero D'Inferno, a marker ink from Italy. It was developed to dye leather and fabrics and later discovered as a perfect pen ink.
The right refill equipment is important
The refills are also suitable for filling graffiti markers from our store, as they are a suitable addition to the product. The OTR Flowpen can be optimally refilled with the On The Run Flowpen Ink in 9 colors. And the Ontherun HardtoBuff Inkmarker can be refilled with the deep black marker ink Hard to Buff Ink. On The Run has developed the Refiller Cap, which you can find in the category Accessories. The screw cap hiltWe have the right liquid for your favorite markers. The areas of application are manifold - no matter if graffiti, tagging, urban art, street art, labelling or just decorating. With this liquid more is possible than you think.
Convince yourself of the large offer at fair prices in the Betterrun Shop
Most of the replenishment liquids in the Betterrun Graffiti Online Shop come from brands like ON THE RUN. Order now the filler for your tag marker or ink pen at fair prices conveniently and we will send your refill ink directly to your home. In the category Paint Refill Colors you will find marker colors which are thicker and more varnish than Ink Refills.